Combinator Table: Combinators, Birds, Spellings & More

Function Abstraction Symbol AN⁴ Bird CR¹ CH²Elem³Haskell APL BQN Intro
λa.a I - Identity SKK SKK id ⊣⊢ ⊣⊢ Sch24
λab.a K - Kestrel K K const Sch24
λab.b κ - Kite KI KI
λ W 1y2 Warbler C(BMR) CSK join ˜ Cur29
λabc.acb C 2y2 🐦 Cardinal S(BBS)(KK) B(ΦBS)KK flip ˜ Sch24
λabc.a(bc) B 1y11 Bluebird S(KS)K S(KS)K . ∘⍤⍥ 2T ∘○ 2TSch24
λabcd.a(bcd) B₁ 2y12 Blackbird BBB DB .: ⍤ 2T ∘ 2T Cur30
λabcde.a(bcde) B23y13 Bunting B(BBB)B DB₁ Cur30
λabcd.a(b(cd)) B34y14 Becard B(BB)B BDB Cur30
λ S 1y21 Starling S S <*> / ap Sch24
λabc.a(bc)c Σ 1y12 Violet Starling - ? =<<
λabcd.ab(cd) D 2y21 Dove BB BB Smu85
λabcd.a(bc)d Δ 2y12 Zebra Dove - ?
λabcd.a(bd)(cd) Φ 1y121 Phoenix - B₁SB liftA2 3T 3T Cur31
λabcd.a(bc)(bd) Ψ 2y21 Psi - B(SΦCB)B on Cur31
λ D13y31 Dickcissel B(BB) BD
λabcde.a(bc)(de) D22y211 Dovekie BB(BB) DD Smu85
λabcde.ab(cde) E 3y22 🦅 Eagle B(BBB) BB₁ Smu85
λabcde.a(bcd)e ε 3y22 Golden Eagle - ?
λabcde.a(bde)(cde) Φ12y222 Pheasant - BΦΦ 3T 3T Cur31
λabcdefg.a(bcd)(efg) Ê 4y222 Bald Eagle B(BBB)(B(BBB)) D₂D₂D Smu85

1 - CR = Chris Rathman (combinator spellings taken from his site)
2 - CH = Conor Hoekstra (combinator spellings generated from C++ program)
3 - Elementary combinators are listed in Chapter 5 of Combinatory Logic: Volume I
4 - Arity Notation: AyBC = An A-arity yielding binary function (because BC is length two) where the arguments of the function have arity B and C

Author Year Paper
Sch24Moses Schönfinkel 1924On the building blocks of mathematical logic
Cur29Haskell Curry 1929An Analysis of Logical Substitution
Cur30Haskell Curry 1931Grundlagen der Kombinatorischen Logik (The Foundations of Combinatory Logic)
Cur31Haskell Curry 1931The universal quantifier in combinatory logic
Cur48Haskell Curry 1948A Simplification of the Theory of Combinators
Cur58H. Curry & R. Feys 1958Combinatory Logic: Volume I
Tur78David Turner 1979Another algorithm for bracket abstraction
Smu85Raymond Smullyan 1985To Mock a Mockingbird
Iv89 K. Iverson & E. McDonnell1989Phrasal Forms
Loc12Marshall Lochbaum 2012Added hook, backhook

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